The Semendyai Family
Tatyana Vladimirovna Semendyai, 54 years old, Nurse. Vladimir Matveyevich Semendyai, 56 years old, Samsung engineer. Nadezhda Mikhailovna Bolotova, 73 years old, Retiree.
The war came to the family’s home unexpectedly, as it did for the whole of Ukraine. The shelling and hostilities forced the family to seek shelter in the cellar, where they spent almost the entire time of the fighting. It was cold, damp and scary there, but even cellar gave everyone a slight sense of security in the midst of chaos.
Beginning on March 3, the shelling of the village became incessant, and the family realized that they needed to find a way to leave. Finally, on March 8, they were able to leave for Chernihiv, to people who were ready to take them in. They found temporary shelter within the walls of a stranger’s home until the Russians retreated. However, when they returned to the village in April, they were shocked by what they saw. “That moment opened up the cruel truth to us – our house no longer existed. The fire had destroyed everything that was our home, changing our reality forever.
What the Homes Look Like
For $30,790, we can build a home for the Semendyai Family together.
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and Note It Is for the Semendyai Family
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