To Ukraine With Love

Our Supporters

Political leaders, corporations, small businesses and individuals like you are actively supporting To Ukraine With Love. Take a look below at some of the important endorsements we’ve received. Then, as you read about what others are doing to support our nonprofit, please consider what you can do.

Svitlana Miller, the founder of our charity, shakes hands with President Zelenskiy

I know you implement very important projects to support our people. We really appreciate that you are investing in life, in helping people.

Letter of Support From Victor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine (2005-2010)

As the Consul General of Ukraine, I express my full support for the nonprofit organization Because every Ukrainian is grateful for your help, and they will be grateful for you for their whole life.

Corporate and Foundation Donors

Special thanks to organizations like Vivint Gives Back, Lion Energy, Melaleuca, JetBlue, doTERRA and several anonymous companies for giving funds and supplies to help our cause.

Families and Individuals

It’s not just high-profile individuals and corporations that are helping our nonprofit support Ukraine. One extended family made a substantial donation that included funds from grandchildren who sold eggs to neighbors. Five individuals who each spent two years in Ukraine organized a fundraising event that generated more than $1 million to purchase vital goods. Entertainer Alex Boye not only recorded a video in honor of Ukraine but also decided to donate all proceeds from its downloads to support

Alex Boyé - Bend Not Break

Help Ukraine Outlast Its Invaders

Consider supporting one of our causes.