Our Goal is to raise $550,000 for 30 1-bedroom modular homes manufactured in Ukraine to help the people rebuild before winter.
In the summer of 2022, 13-year old Idaho native Chase Miller decided he wanted to help. Three teenagers from his town joined him. “None of us had ever raised money before. We started knocking on neighbors’ doors. We asked for just 2 minutes of their time, showed them a photo of the family in Ukraine and invited them to join us in our efforts to help. I also set up a table at the local grocery store and home improvement store. I called the news, spoke with a reporter who was willing to spread the news. Finally, I reached out to businesses and asked if they would be willing to help me raise funds for the family. Even my family dentist and orthodontist agreed to contribute.”
Together, the boys raised almost $55,000–enough to build three houses. Chase will continue his efforts to raise money for the people of Ukraine. You can learn more about in experience from the news stories, photos, and videos below.
Raise Money, Build A Home in Ukraine
Now, other teens in several US states are joining Chase in the effort to raise money and build homes for the displaced in towns hit hard when Russia tried to take the capital city Kyiv. Join them! Here is a quick overview of what to do:
Select the Family You Want to Help (don’t worry–we will give you guidance)
Raise Funds for their Home (at least $5,000)
Purchase your tickets to Poland
Meet our Team Who Will Get You to Ukraine
Help Build the Home
Hand Over the Keys to the Family
A Ukrainian manufacturer of modular homes will build and deliver a 1-bedroom home to a site and install it for $18,000. The house is also furnished with appliances, furniture and bedding. Once the family has rebuilt their home, the modular unit can be moved to assist a new family. This project helps both recipient families and employees of the Ukrainian manufacturer. We have an endless list of families who need to rebuild.
"We helped build the modular homes. It was so exciting to hand the people keys to their new homes. We also met their neighbors. Their stories were heartbreaking. They hugged us and told us thank you for listening to them even if we did not have funds to help them. We left Ukraine determined to help more people."
Chase Miller
13 Years Old
Your Chance to Make a Difference
Follow the example of these boys and help build more homes before winter.
Join us by donating below or by contacting us to sponsor and build a home in Ukraine. It is an unforgettable, life-changing experience to share with your organization, faith group, or family. We help you every step of the way: from the first flyers to actually going to Ukraine and handing over the keys to a Ukrainian family. Not comfortable going over? Raising money is what we need the most help with.