To Ukraine With Love

Lindsey Family and Friends raising for: Tkachenko Family

stay on their land while they rebuild their lives

Family Story

Yuri Tkachenko and Nina had been living in this house together for 43 years. Yuri was born in this house. The family has a son, Valentin. He also lived with his family in his parents’ house. Valentin has a wife, Irina, and children, Ilya (15 years old) and Ivan (2 years old).


Until March 4th, the family stayed at home, hoping that everything would end soon. The bombings were intense, and it was terrifying. They didn’t have a basement of their own, so they ran to a friend’s basement. They stayed there for several days. There was no electricity, gas, water, or food, and it was very cold. They realized that they couldn’t survive there; the situation was getting worse. They had no means of communication and didn’t know what to do. They ran to the train station. Nothing was working. They ran on foot towards Romanovskiy Bridge. It had already been destroyed. They crossed over to Romanovka. From there, they went to the train station in Kyiv and then to Lviv. From Lviv, they went to the Ternopil region.


They found out from the television that their house was no longer there. They saw their house burning. It was between March 23rd and 26th.

They returned in May and went to live in a village with Nina’s mother. She is 86 years old, completely blind, and can hardly walk. She requires constant care. The family needs a house with 2-3 rooms.

For $35,000, we can build a 3-bedroom home for Tkachenko Family

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and Note It Is for Tkachenko Family.

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