To Ukraine With Love

Kononenko Family

Help us build a home for the Kononenko Family.

The Kononenko Family

On February 24th, Gennadiy and Viktoria experienced the first shelling in their home. They took refuge in the cellar, and after two months, the stress became too much for Victoria. Gennadiy, her husband, took her away in his own car to Khmelnytskyi. On the way there, neighbors called and informed them that their house had been hit, and it was in flames. Gennadiy, unable to bear it, returned to their native village to take care of the garage and lived there.


In August, after months of separation, Victoria returned to her husband. Currently, they have managed to gather some money to rent accommodation and live in Kharkiv. Gennadiy is involved in selling seeds in their native village, but he is compelled to travel 50 km every day to earn a living, which puts a strain on the family’s finances. They dream of rebuilding their own home.

Gennadiy in front of the destroyed house.

What the Homes Look Like

For $24,870, we can build a home for the Kononenko Family together.

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and Note It Is for the Kononenko Family

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