To Ukraine With Love

Tsysarenko Family Needs A Home

Help us build a home for the Tsysarenko family.

The Tsysarenko Family

Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Tsysarenko (51), seamstress. Nikolai Mikhailovich Ilyash (65), retiree. Vyacheslav Vasilievich Tsysarenko (son, age 31), works in a sewing factory. Elena Aleksandrovna Tsysarenko (daughter-in-law, age 31), nurse. Denis (grandson), 7 years old.


On February 24, the family was at home, everyone was sleeping… not suspecting that the war had come to the country. The daughter-in-law called from work and told them to urgently go to her parents in the Kozeletsky district, which they did. They took their grandson and a few belongings and left.


Tatyana had a brother who stayed in the house to look after the farm. On March 10, neighbors reported that their house was on fire. The house burned down along with Tatyana’s brother. This was a difficult loss for the whole family.


Where they found shelter, the family went to church and prayed a lot, helped the military, cooked food, heated the stove so that they could warm up, and helped in any way they could. A month later, they returned to their village. After mines were removed in the area, they were able to retrieve the body of their brother and the relatives were able to bury his remains in a humane way. Now the family lives in a modular town in Chernihiv. Living conditions are very difficult in these plastic residences. They really want to return to their own land and have a home again.

Tsysarenko family in front of their destroyed home.

What the Homes Look Like

For $36,350, we can build a home for the Tsysarenko Family together.

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and Note It Is for the Tsysarenko Family

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