To Ukraine With Love

Shkatovyh Family Needs A Home

Help us build a home for the Shkatovyh family.

The Shkatovyh Family

Igor Shkatovy (28), his wife Olga (24), their daughter, Sofia (4) Igor, age 28, Olga, age 24, and Sofia, age 4, were sleeping when they woke up to explosions on February 24, 2022. The family immediately went into their cellar with some neighbors, but new difficulties awaited them there. There was little food and medicine and they didn’t have diapers for Sofia who was two at the time. She had a fever but all hospitals and pharmacies were closed because of the shelling. Igor and Olga didn’t know what to do. Igor worked in a unit of the State Emergency Service in Kharkiv so he went to work to find out what was happening. Igor worked to save people under fire during the first months of the war. He came home on weekends to see his family and bring them food, medicine, and hygiene products. Olga didn’t want to go to Kharkiv, because there was shooting there too. Olga and Sofia went to Poltava for safety and Igor returned to work in Kharkiv. It was a big shock for the whole family when they found out their house had been destroyed and realized they lost everything. Igor is currently living and working in Kharkiv and visits his family once every two weeks in Poltava. They all dream of returning to a calm home where they can be together.
Shkatovyh family in front of their destroyed home.

What the Homes Look Like

For $31,750, we can build a home for the Shkatovyh Family together.