Keeping Generations Free
$500 can save a woman or child from living under occupation
Since 25 February, the world watched the horror in the city Mariupol where 90% of buildings have been destroyed. The city of Mariupol and the Azov Steel Plant have become the symbol of Ukrainian resistance. Civilians from the plant have been evacuated but it is estimated that 100,000 more civilians are in the demolished city. These people are living under Russian occupation and face losing their Ukrainian citizenship.
We at To Ukraine With Love feel the urgent need to assist women and children from Mariupol and have secured private transport from occupied territories in the East to freedom in the West.
Please help our underground railroad rescue Ukrainians from Mariupol! They are at dire risk of being deported to Russia or facing a freezing winter in tent cities and bombed-out buildings. For approx. $500 per person, our trusted contacts in Ukraine are constantly moving people out of this devastated and occupied city to safety in western Ukraine, Poland, and other Eastern European locations. Read on to learn how your donations are literally saving lives.
Click here to read the story about one family we helped: “Anna” and her three children.