To Ukraine With Love

Help Kochergin Family Rebuild Their House

Kochergin Family Story

We are the Kochergin family. We lived in the village of Tsupovka. Wife – Zina, husband – Petr, daughter – Natalia, granddaughter – Polina, grandson – Petr. Before the war, we had a nice cozy home. We had a large farm. Everything we had, we grew on our own land. We had a bee apiary with 100 hives, and in our garden there were over 800 apple trees. We cultivated 100 hectares of land per year. We also had 150 pigs, 150 sheep, and 5 cows. We had 2 tractors and a combine harvester. The idea of becoming farmers arose after Petr went to the USA in the early 2000s and saw how American farmers lived, how one family could run a whole farm. Upon his return, Petr decided to start his own farm. Our entire family lived in one house. But with the onset of the war, we lost absolutely everything. We spent about 2 months in the basement. After the village was occupied by the Russians, we were forced to leave the village through fields and forests. After taking the family out, Petr returned home to try to save the livestock. But when the Russians began to commit atrocities, killing people, he released all the livestock and fled the village. At the moment, despite all the difficulties, Petr has invested all his savings in buying 20 pigs and 10 chickens. The farm was the family’s only source of income. “You need to start working with something,” Petr said. He himself lives in a 3*3 meter shed. He is saving money to build something more and give the family the opportunity to return to their native home.

Helping Families Rebuild Their Homes

Over 1.5 million homes in Ukraine have been destroyed. Rebuilding will take years because in Ukraine, people build their own houses over generations and there are no mortgages. But people need to be back on their land. 


In partnership with the Ukrainian government, To Ukraine With Love vets the families and work with a Ukrainian builder to rebuild destroyed homes. All materials are sourced in Ukraine and the homes are built in Ukrainian factories, providing jobs to support Ukrainian families.


While the government provides a certain amount of money for rebuilding, families often don’t have enough to cover the expenses. That’s where you can help!

We Can Make A Difference

Let’s make a difference in the lives of Ukrainians.