To Ukraine With Love

Help Michael Build a Home in Ukraine Help Konovalov Family Receive A Home

Michael Wants To Serve Ukrainians

Dale Carnegie said “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”


The people of Ukraine are hard working, beautiful, and peaceful people suffering through aggression that came as a result of their friendship with the United States and the West. I know I can’t fix the challenges they face but maybe I can help one? Maybe I can leave hope? Maybe I inspire other to act? I know that I will take memories and stories of an inspiring people standing up for their neighbors, communities, culture, and country.


Help me build an additional home, raise awareness, and create jobs for an amazing people here in the Ukraine. Any little bit helps.

Building A Home For Konovalov Family

Konstantin Aleksandrovich, age 65, and his wife, Natalya Lyudvykyevna, age 65, lived in a village near Chernihiv for 30 years. They raised their family in a home filled with joy and good memories. When the war began, Konstantin and Natalya were at home, not expecting the attacks that had started. All their children and grandchildren gathered at the house and everyone hid in cellars during the hostilities. On February 27, 2022 they fled to a bomb shelter in the city. The very day they escaped, the house was completely destroyed by a rocket. They felt despair, pain, fear, and did not know what to do or how to live on. Gathering their courage, the family went to Kamianets-Podilskyi, where they stayed for a few months. When they returned to the village, they saw that there was nothing on the plot, only ruins. It was very painful to look see. The family now lives in the house of relatives, but continue their hope and dream to have their own home again. In addition to the loss of their home and upheaval the family has experienced the past two years, Natalya is also battling cancer. This has added to the financial pressure and difficult situation the family is facing.

Changing Lives One At A Time

Michael, along with his friends, has helped to raise money for Bocharov family in Ukraine. Now he wants to build a home for the Konovalov family.